A Journey in Becoming a Father

A Journey in Becoming a Father

The news that you’re going to be a father, especially for the first time, can trigger a range of emotions in some men, some of which are pleasant while others, not so. At first, you may experience fear, worry, shock, and even numbness. It is okay to feel this way; there are many reasons for your responses, or you may simply need some time to adjust. Most guys ultimately get into it, but for some, it might feel too surreal. The idea that men should always be strong and tough tends to make men hide their emotions. However, suppressing these emotions while the pregnancy is taking place will cause the “expecting father” to lose the best, most beautiful moments of that Miracle of Life.

Therefore, it is important for men to vent. Unfortunately, some men are still trapped in the traditional archetype for masculinity and are still too ashamed or afraid to open up and share their most intimate emotions while his to be born daughter/son is in the gestation period. Keeping a diary of what one feel gives the bewildered to-be-father the opportunity to create some structure and organization to those new and sometimes conflicting emotions. A dairy will certainly help you rescue, in a conscientious way, the best of what one is experiencing. If one is not the writing type, reading a diary such as the one presented here, Beloved son, I am going to be your father, is possibly the best next option.

This is undoubtedly the value of such dairy. The author, Reynaldo Pareja, did not hesitate to consign those new, uncharted, and not experienced before feelings and emotions into a diary written month by month of how his wife was experiencing firsthand the progress of the pregnancy of their first born. The merit of the diary is the freshness, spontaneity, and desire to have a silent dialogue with that unborn child that was already changing his whole lifestyle.

A change that was welcomed because of the level of awareness of what was happening inside the womb of his wife. This awareness can turn the experience into a spiritual acknowledgement of the Miracle of Life in which, as being the father-to-be, has contributed for it to happen. A moment so short, yet so rich in inner growth that no man should let it pass by as if it was not the most important event of his life at that moment.

The invitation is to experience, firsthand, that first child to be born as one of the most spiritual uplifting moments when one realizes that in a limited, but grandiose way, one is becoming the Co-Creator of life, the closest moment any human becomes “God-like”, in as much as he is the vehicle perpetuating the Existence of Life in Humanity.


AVAILABLE IN eBook, Paperback and Hardcover

Reynaldo Pareja

Reynaldo Pareja, PhD in Communication and Sociology from Ecole des Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Master of Communication from Cornell University, USA. Bachelor in Philosophy Art and Literature from Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia.

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